Hello, I am Professeur Mik-Laine. In D.A.D.A you will learn about various dangerous creatures and the defensive spells to counter them. You will also be schooled in the history but not the practice of dark magic and how to counter it if you ever need too. In my class you will have one test every week. You must send your test answers to me by the date i decide. You must pass 20 tests to pass the first year. If you fail 5 tests you will be dropped from the class untill the next term. I will also require you to take notes on the lessons i post and for you to send them to me in a PM by the date i decide. This class will be run rather strictky with little leigh-way for late notes and test answers. If you wish to sign up for this class you should cantact me and I will in turn have Proffersor Day add you.
Professeur Mik-Laine